Thomas Aurich - Representative in Germany

Thomas Aurich is representing SFC as a consultant in the leading EU automotive market Germany leveraging his competencies and media relations network as corporate PR and Gov’t.-Relations EU manager for Aptiv (the former Delphi Automotive) and Product-PR head of leading German suppliers and French OEM after he started his career as a newspaper journalist. Being engaged in German automotive and media associations he is well connected with automotive stakeholders particular in Germany.

What’s the best part about working for SFC?

I worked with Scott at Delphi collaborating in organizing media activities and interviews on IAA (International Auto Show) in Frankfurt, Germany and CES in Las Vegas. I’m appreciating much he feels as key for sustainable communication building genuine relationships to journalists and being credible. That is also my understanding of PR, in order to be successful even with critical topics.

Favorite Hobby?

Scuba diving and cycling

When I’m not working, I:

Exploring the under water world, discovering German forests with my bike and trying new foods with my wife and our children.