Songs about EV's


Zach Peterson plays music with his band The Thread Lightlies and recorded a solo album "Alter Ego" in 2010. Zach explores the relationship between cars and music, and how EV's are breaking into the equation. Enjoy his take!

If you’re at all remotely familiar with popular music of all types, then you’re likely aware the motor vehicle has been a pervasive topic in song for nearly 70 years now. It’s impossible and impractical to dive into a comprehensive list of “car” songs, but let’s say they range from the Chuck Berry classic “Maybelline” to the Beach Boys “Little Deuce Coupe” to Serge Gainsbourg’s French language pop classic “Ford Mustang” to Coolio’s “Fantastic Voyage” to any cliched country tune about a pickup truck and many stops and detours in between. I even wrote one about commuting to an American automaker’s headquarters in a (30-year old) Swedish (SAAB, in this case) automobile. Check it out below!

And now without further preamble, let me introduce you to the first classic EV song . . . 

I got a long black electric Cadillac
She goes a thousand miles on a charge
I got a long black electric Cadillac
She goes a thousand miles on a charge

This isn’t a Cadillac ad. To my knowledge, this tune was not sponsored in any way by GM. It’s written by John Hiatt, renowned singer-songwriter and author, previously, of many songs featuring “conventionally” powered vehicles. 

I'm runnin' subterranean air conditioning
And full electron photo array in my backyard

And when I'm heading out west just to see ya baby
Only have to stop twice along the way
And when I'm heading out west just to see ya baby
Only have to stop twice along the way

Once to get my groceries
And once to charge up my engine bay

Woah! It sounds like John Hiatt is channeling Scott Fosgard in song! This is EV advocacy done right. 

It sounds like a blues-infused rock-and-roll classic, yet it’s about a future very much in the making.  Take a listen below!

Zach Peterson