Feeling Lucky Today


I'm feeling very lucky this morning.

Today started like any other, I woke up and worked out.

I picked up my friend Sam and we drove over to the local Planet Fitness. He's been getting into weight training the past few months and he asked me to take him through a typical lower body workout. I love working out with people so I was naturally really looking forward to going today.

We were there for about an hour doing a bunch of different exercises and I showed him the correct form for movements like the goblet squats and lunges. Sam was in drumline in high school which built up the strength in his midsection so he was able to push a lot of weight.

I dropped him off and got back to my house to make my traditional egg burrito. I scramble two eggs and fold them into a soft flour tortilla shell with a half slice of provolone, some ghost pepper hot sauce and mushrooms. But I was a little distracted while making today's burrito.

There was a note on the counter that read "Jury Duty Summons" with my Dad's name on it. He was summoned in June. Failure to show up to your summoned date or provide an excuse within 14 days could result in a fine or even a warrant for your arrest in Michigan.

I looked that up while I was scrambling the eggs in the pan. Needless to say, they were a bit dry for my liking. Now I was getting nervous, but I heard my Dad from his office across the house. He was in a meeting with a co-worker like everything is fine.

Eventually, he came into the kitchen, (as I was frying up the tortilla) and was laughing. I looked at him square in the face and said "Dude are you going to jail?"

He then casually explained that he called the county office earlier while I was at the gym and asked what was going to happen to him.

"It's your lucky day," the clerk laughed, "All the jurors were excused that day."

My Dad and I shared a laugh in the kitchen and I offered him part of my burrito to celebrate his freedom.

He went back to work and I ate my burrito, and yes, the eggs were too dry.
