EU Reports 70% Fully Vaccinated

The phrase "getting back to normal" is beginning to feel tired. I'm at the point where I groan whenever I hear someone say it.

To be clear, I am ready to get things back to normal, but I'm anxious for that time to start as soon as possible. Of course, that's a pipe dream, nothing ever stops completely all at once. That being said, I'm sure many of you have seen pre-pandemic habits and rituals come back since March.

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New York Opening up to Confusion and Disarray

When I think of opportunity, grit, and hardworking people, I tend to think of a lot of places. I’ll think of towns like Detroit and its blue-collar, hard-scrabble mindset. I think of Boston and the people's will hardened by the Nor'easter blowing in from the Atlantic Ocean. Both of these cities, and many more, can be characterized as ‘tough’ and ‘hardworking’ because of the people that live there, the struggles they face and how they don’t crumble while staring down the face of adversity.

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